You Want To Get Some \”Law And Order\” In Your Home! How Do You Do That?
Now that your kids are almost teenagers or will be in a couple of your and your family is growing at an alarming rate, you want to get a bit of order into your home that is turning chaotic and unruly! Although you love your family with a passion, you feel that a bit more order is needed both literally and figuratively and you want to bring a few constructive changes. How do you get started?
Share the choresAlthough you have been encouraging your kids to chip in, you have not really made a roster of who is supposed to do what and so on, so there has been a lot of nagging and disagreements between you and the kids and amongst the kids themselves. The best thing to do would be to have some clear rules and guidelines about what is expected and who is going to do what and when. Put up a chart in the dining areas with each person’s responsibility, for example, delegate closet organization in each of their rooms to each kid. Your partner will be responsible for vacuuming the home and cleaning the washrooms and you will do the weeding and the laundry etc. Do what works for you as a family!
Make some changesTo make your home more orderly and organized as you desire, think about your current layout of the home. Are there things that you don’t need? For example, you may want to get rid of that giant peach couch and replace it with some shelves that will allow you to arrange some of your books and ornaments in a more orderly fashion and they won’t look overcrowded. Decide what is working well and what new items of furniture or storage organizers you will need. You can check this link to see great multifunctional furniture.
Start work!Now that you have made some changes in the overall atmosphere of your home and you have created more storage areas, you can get everyone to start working on the details. For example, help your kids with the best closet organization by providing them with the coat hangers and storage containers they need, where they can categories different items of clothes such as shorts, shirts, shoes, socks etc. and it will help them to keep their room clean and well organized in the future.
Enjoy the family!All the changes and restructuring you have made is so that your family will build those great relationships and bond together as the kids grow older, so don’t forget to keep your goal in mind as you work towards making your home well organized and your family more closely knit together. Pass some love around!