It can be frustrating to have pests frequenting your home with all the damage they cause. They are also a health risk as certain diseases can be transmitted to us through contamination. You have to be vigilant of pests who may be nesting in your home. Look for signs of infestation so that you can come up with a solution for it early before it becomes a big problem.

You need to check your perimeter to ensure that there is no way for the pests to get in. There could be holes or gaps in your house that may invite termite or ant infestations. You should seal up cracks and gaps when you find them. You will find such gaps under decks, porches and there may be cracks near pipes and vents. Check if there’s a gap between the window sill and the wall. You need to examine your whole house and remove all points of access for pests. Then there’s the area around air-conditioning units. You have to be aware of what is in contact with your house. Make sure that branches or shrubbery doesn’t come into contact so the bugs in them can’t transition into the house. If you have a pet, you should be careful about emptying the pet bowls. Then there are areas which can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes such as bird bowls. If you’re having a bird feeder, some of the seeds may spill below. So it is best to have it away from the house.

You should also keep woodpiles away from the house so that it doesn’t invite a bed bug pesticide infestation. You may have a wood shed in your property. Make sure that it is at least 20 feet from your house. You have to look up and check the rood and the chimney as they can also provide nesting grounds for pests. Make sure that your chimney is fitted with a chimney cap and there are no openings in the roof. The garbage cans shouldn’t be in contact with the house. Keep them some distance away and make sure that they are secured tightly with a lid. Pests are attracted to moisture and clutter so you need to make sure that you keep your house dry and clean. Food items should be kept in sealed containers. Make sure you don’t have any leaky pipes under the kitchen sink or bathroom that will provide a good breeding ground for pests. Keep the basements and attic dry.

There are natural ways to get rid of pests. You can try cleaning out your cupboards with vinegar which will repel ants. There are also rat traps that will trap the rat inside the cage so that you can release them somewhere far from home. If the pest problem can’t be solved by simple means, it is time to call in a pest management service. They will have professionals who will know how to provide a safe solution to the problem.

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